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9 July 2021 -- Speech Day 2020-21

This year's Speech Day was a special one for many reasons: not only was it held on a bright summer afternoon, it was also held in celebration of two cohorts of graduates from 2019 and 2020. We were graced with the presence of many distinguished guests, members of the School Council, the Diocesan Old Girls' Association, the Parent Teacher Association, parents, and friends of the School.

Photo : Speech Day 2020 (1)

Photo : AI Lab Opening (1)Photo : AI Lab Opening (2)

The Speech Day was preceded by the opening ceremony of the DGS AI Lab, where we were honoured to have the Archbishop, The Most Revd Andrew Chan, Professor Helen Meng of CUHK, School Supervisor Mrs Doris Ho and Headmistress Mrs Stella Lau join in the ribbon-cutting ceremony to mark the opening of the AI Lab. Students from both lower forms and upper forms were also present to share with the guests their respective experiences in AI courses offered through the school, as well as in their participation and achievements in the Secondary School Think and Create Competition 2020 organised by CUHK Jockey Club AI for the Future Project.

Photo : Speech Day 2020 (2)Photo : Speech Day 2020 (5)

Presently, at the Speech Day ceremony, the Headmistress Mrs Lau shared with the community how our girls have managed to overcome the recent challenges due to the pandemic to continue to make excellent progress in their learning, especially in the arena of technology. She closed her remarks by reminding students of the five qualities a DGS girl should strive to cultivate: a renewed spirit, a discerning mind, a pure heart, a kind tongue, and helping hands. Archbishop Andrew Chan also gave an exhortation to all present, using the words of the well-known Serenity Prayer penned by Reinhold Niebuhr.

After the presentation of prizes and awards, the Head Girls of different years represented the student body to give Votes of Thanks in English, Cantonese and Mandarin, expressing their gratitude to the School, parents, teachers, and classmates for their time of learning and growth at DGS. We praise God for the grace and honour He has bestowed on our School for the past few cohorts and for the blessings in years to come.

Photo : Speech Day 2020 (4)