本校自1860年創校以來,一直以實踐基督教義和秉承中國優良傳統文化為基礎,致力為女生提供優質的全人教育。本校所有學科均以英語授課(中國語文科及中文相關的科目除外)。校內設有 25個運動項目的校隊訓練、11個音樂小組 / 樂團及其他多元化的課外活動。
獲錄取的新生,將迎來充實和愉快的學習體驗,盡展潛能,發揮所長。中五級學生可按個人的專長及需要選擇修讀「香港中學文憑考試」課程(HKDSE) 或「英國普通教育文憑高級程度考試」課程 (GCE Advanced Level)。大部分本校畢業生均順利升讀本地及非本地著名大學及專上院校。
每名學生2024-2025 年度全年學費為港幣 40,000 元。
請使用個人GMail帳號 (即電郵地址以 "@gmail.com”結尾),在2024年11月15日至11月29日期間,於申請網站 https://admission.dgs.edu.hk 開設申請帳戶,及填寫網絡申請表格。
完成填寫網絡申請表格後,下載並列印「個人資料封面頁(Portfolio Cover Sheet)」。
於申請網站或本網頁下載「學生個人資料概覽(Portfolio Summary Form)」(word格式)文件範本。
(1) 個人資料封面頁(Portfolio Cover Sheet)
(2) 已填妥之「學生個人資料概覽(Portfolio Summary Form)」
(3) 個人資料集 (Personal Portfolio)
(4) 最近三年成績表副本
(5) 附有 $5.4 郵票已填寫本地回郵地址的回郵信封乙個 (最小尺寸:162 毫米 x 229 毫米)
(6) 繳交申請費用之港幣 $75 劃線支票乙張。(申請費用只用於處理2024 至 2025 年度中一至中四插班生入學申請。申請費用不予退還。)支票抬頭請寫「拔萃女書院」。(支票背面須填寫申請人姓名及申請編號。)請將上述申請文件,於2024年11月15日至11月29日期間,以掛號郵件或快遞方式,寄送至本校校務處(地址:九龍佐敦道1號)。信封封面須清楚註明「2024-2025中一/二/三/四插班生入學申請」。
未附有「個人資料封面頁(Portfolio Cover Sheet)」之申請將不獲接納。
1. 學校概覽
2. 「學生個人資料概覽(Portfolio Summary Form)」
請點擊 此處 下載 收集入學申請者的個人資料聲明
Since our establishment in 1860, it has been our mission to offer an excellent all-around secondary education for girls, based on a blend of Christian values and Chinese traditions and culture. English is used as the medium of instruction in all subjects apart from Chinese Language and Chinese-related subjects. Our school offers 25 sports teams, 11 musical groups/orchestras and numerous other ECA activities.
Once admitted, your daughters will embark on a journey of discovery about the world and their place in it. At Secondary Five, students can follow either the HKDSE curriculum or the GCE Advanced Level curriculum, depending on their strengths and needs. Irrespective of their pathway, most graduates go on to prestigious tertiary institutions locally and non-locally to further their education.
The annual school fee for each student in the 2024/2025 academic year is HKD $ 40,000.
We look forward to welcoming you to the Diocesan family.
To apply, please follow the instructions below:
Open an account using a personal Google account (ending with @gmail.com) at https://admission.dgs.edu.hk between 15th and 29th November 2024 to access the online application form.
Print the Portfolio Cover Sheet after completing the online application form.
Download the Portfolio Summary Form (in Word format) from the online application portal or the Documents section below.
Submit the hard copy of the following documents:
(1) Portfolio Cover Sheet
(2) A completed Portfolio Summary Form
(3) Personal portfolio
(4) Copies of school reports for the last three years
(5) A local self-addressed stamped ($5.4) envelope (minimum size: 162 mm x 229 mm)
(6) A non-refundable application fee in the form of a crossed cheque for HKD $75 payable to "Diocesan Girls' School" (Payment is for 2024-2025 Secondary one to four interim admission application use only. Please write the applicant’s name and the application number on the back of the cheque.)
Send the application documents to the School General Office (1 Jordan Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong) by REGISTERED POST or COURIER SERVICE between 15th November and 29th November 2024. Please indicate clearly "Application for 2024-25 Secondary 1/2/3/4 Interim Admission" on the envelope.
Applications without the Portfolio Cover Sheet will NOT be processed.
In view of the possibility of postal service delays, applicants are advised to send application documents to the School as early as possible. Applications with a postage stamp later than 29th November 2024, or with a shortage of postage fee will NOT be processed.
Shortlisted applicants will be invited to sit for a written examination and attend an interview.
Applications will be considered unsuccessful if no notification is received by 31st January 2025. All submitted documents of unsuccessful applicants will not be returned and will be destroyed.
All application letters and documents received before 15th November 2024 will not be considered.
Information about the School’s fee remission and scholarship schemes is available on the school website for your reference:
DOCUMENTS (Right-click the following links and click "Save link as..." to download.)
School Prospectus(Chinese version: 學校概覽)
Please click HERE to download the Personal Information Collection Statement for Admission Applicants