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Prizes and Awards (2023-2024)

English Language Education KLA

  • Hong Kong Secondary Schools Debating Competition 2023-24 Grand Finals
    Lam Pui Wing, Agnes (Best Speaker)
    Yiu Tung Toby
    Yuen Yee Ting Hayley
    Sim Ka Yu Anissa

  • Junior Individual Public Speaking Championships 2023-24
    1st runner-up in Interpretive Reading; Overall 5th in Top 10 Speakers: Anissa Sim
    2nd runner-up in Impromptu Speaking; Overall 6th in Top 10 Speakers: Osanna

  • CISWDC Invitational organized by the Chinese International School
    Grand Finalist in the CIS WDC Invitational
    Team compromising of Cheung Wan Chi, To Hoi Yau Jeanette, Cheng Sum Kiu Anson, Yong Shannon Yuen Shan, Chau Cheuk Ying Julie, Chong Tsz Yan Karissa

  • World Individual Debate and Public Speaking Championships organized by HK Debate & Speech Community
    Tam Yeuk Hey Hilary ranked 7th overall and will be part of the Hong Kong team, representing the city in Australia.

  • Hong Kong Secondary Schools Debating Competition HKSSDC organized by HK Debate & Speech Community
    Best Debater: Anissa Sim

  • 39th Singtao Inter-School Debating Competition (English Section)
    Hilary Tam was awarded best debater in the 1st preliminary, as well as best debater and best interrogative debater in the 2nd preliminary.

  • UNSDG Debating Competition organised by UNESCO Hong Kong Association
    EMI – secondary 4 – Grand Finalists, First runner up
    Team Compromising of: Sum Kiu Anson Cheng, Shun Yan Wan, Joy and Brianna, Ka Yee Xiao

    EMI – secondary 2 - Grand Finalists, First runner up

    Team compromising of: Hiu Ying Bridget Poon, Yu Ting Angie Wong and Yue Qiu Wong

  • Junior Schools Debating Championship (JSDC)
    Hayley Yuen was awarded Top 10 speaker of the entire competition.

    Semi-Finalists: Team Compromising of: Hayley Yuen (7th best speaker), Gwyneth Chan, Agnes Lam, Giselle Sung, Joanne Lau

  • Cambridge Hong Kong and World Affairs Essay Competition
    Distinction: Helen Ching

  • 2023 Harvard Global Women’s Empowerment Essay Contest
    Certificate of Excellence: Wang Sui Ki

Chinese Language Education KLA

  • 「星島第二屆全港華文雙語菁英問答比賽」――星島新聞集團主辦

  • 「中華盃——全港中小學中華文化普通話比賽」――中華教育文化交流基金會主辦

  • 2023-2024中國中學生作文大賽――香港中華文化促進中心主辦
    旭日文學之星 (高中組) (香港賽區) 、全國一等獎 (高中組) (全國大賽):趙琢
    銀獎 (高中組) (香港賽區)、全國三等獎 (高中組) (全國大賽):王瑞琪
    優異獎 (高中組) (香港賽區):鄧伯雯、黎睿姿、潘鑫怡
    優異獎 (初中組) (香港賽區):許詠詩、徐天慰、王馨宇、袁伊婷、賈若曦

  • 第八屆全港學界「中史解碼」―手機螢幕桌布設計比賽――教育局主辦
    傑出作品獎:黃琛柔 、高曉琳 、麥善家 、黃榆婷 、羅心安、杜泯橋、區穎晞、方幗忻、蔣含章、郭映彤、黎紫晞

  • 「情定歷史」全港中學生活動――網上閱讀獎勵計劃――香港史學會主辦


  • 2024國安‧家安常識問答比賽—香港河源社團總會、香港社建協會

  • 創作獎勵計劃2023-2024――香港教育城主辦

  • 「第二十六屆全港中小學普通話演講比賽2024」――新市鎮文化教育協會主辦
    九龍區初中組優異星獎 - 吳香迎、黎恩呈、李怡萱、馬逸涵
    九龍區高中組優異星獎 - 錢子瞻、楊斯睿

  • 溯本尋源:香港中學生校際歷史論文比賽--香港史學後進協會主辦

  • 「第二十四届世界華人學生作文大賽」(香港賽區)暨集友嘉庚杯香港學生作文大賽――中國僑聯、全國台聯、人民日報海外版、《快樂作文》雜誌主辦
    一等獎:袁伊婷、 何沛霏

  • 魯迅青少年文學獎2023――魯迅青少年文學獎(香港)組委會

  • 「兩文三語」菁英大比拼(第二十屆)――香港教育工作者聯會主辦
    初級組冠軍 :袁伊婷
    初級組優異獎 :何沛霏
    初級組最佳文章 (英文) :何沛霏
    高級組季軍 :湯楚兒

  • 向老師致敬2023 ―― 中文標語創作比賽(中一至中六)―― 敬師運動委員會主辦

  • 新春書法比賽 2024 ―― 旺角區文娛康樂體育會主辦

Mathematics Education KLA

  • International Mathematical Olympiad Preliminary Selection Contest – Hong Kong 2024 organized by The Hong Kong Academy for Gifted Education
    Silver Award: Li Ruyi
    Honourable Mention: Ip Wing Chun

  • Hong Kong Mathematics Creative Problem Solving Competition for Secondary Schools is co-organised by the Education Bureau and Hong Kong Federation of Education Workers
    Heat Event: Silver Award, Creativity Award
    Final Event: Merit Prize
    Team comprising So Tsz Yu Tiffany, Wong Hei Tung, Wong Hei Lam, Zheng Ziling Linnie

  • American Math Olympiad organised by Singapore International Mastery Contests Center and Southern Illinois University (SIU)
    Bronze Prize
    Chan Hay Yee Jessy, Wong Hei Tung, Chan Hoi Yin, Zhang Tsz Ki, Wong Hoi Ching, Ching Helen

  • Mathematics Book Report Competition for Secondary Schools by the Education Bureau
    Achievement Award
    Kwan Wai Ki
    Mai Polly

  • Hua Xia Cup (華夏盃) 2024 晋級賽 organized by the Hong Kong Mathematical Olympiad Association

  • Hua Xia Cup (華夏盃) 2024 全國總決賽 organized by the Hong Kong Mathematical Olympiad Association
    陳俙而 , 蘇梓渝, 黃晞桐
    吳香迎, 鄭紫齡

  • AIMO 2024 Open Contest – Semi-finals organized by the Hong Kong Mathematical Olympiad Association
    Gold award
    Chan Hay Yee Jessy, So Tsz Yu Tiffany, Xu Letao Ella, Wong Hoi Ching, Chau Yu Yiu Zabrina

  • Hong Kong Mathematics Creative Problem Solving Competition for Secondary Schools co-organised by the Education Bureau and Hong Kong Federation of Education Workers
    Heat Event: Silver Award, Creativity Award
    Final Event: Merit Prize
    Team comprising So Tsz Yu Tiffany, Wong Hei Tung, Wong Hei Lam, Zheng Ziling Linnie

  • Mathematics Project Competition for Secondary Schools (2023/24) organized by HK Education Bureau
    Category A (Junior secondary project)
    Good Performance: team comprising Chien Yanoch, Ma Yihan Helena, Au Wing Hei Jazlyn

    Category B (S1 mini-project)
    Good Performance: team comprising Chan Hay Yee Jessy, Lam Yu Yan, Li Kexin, So Tsz Yu Tiffany, Wong Ching Laam, Wong Hei Tung

  • The 26th Hong Kong Mathematical High Achievers Selection Contest
    Overall: Merit Award (Group): team comprising Wing Hei Jazlyn Au, Chi Hei Lai, Polly Mai, Yu Yiu Zabrina Chau And Xinyan Zhang
    Second Class Award (Individual): Wing Hei Jazlyn Au, Chi Hei Lai, Polly Mai, Yu Yiu Zabrina Chau And Xinyan Zhang

  • National Hua Luo Geng Cup Mathematics Competition 2024 (Hong Kong region)
    Third Class Award: Chan Pui Kei

  • The Canadian Mathematics Contests (Cayley, Pascal and Gauss) organized by the Centre for Education in Mathematics and Computing, University of Waterloo
    Top Scorers
    Grade 7 (Gauss) : Li Kexin
    Grade 8 (Gauss) : Zhang Tsz Ki
    Grade 9 (Pascal) : Lee Nian Ci
    Grade 10 (Cayley) : He Lok Yiu

  • American Mathematics Competitions (AMC) 2023-2024 organized by Mathematical Association of America
    Distinction in AMC 8 : Zhang Tsz Ki
    Distinction in AMC 10 : Li Ruyi , Liu Zuri Jade

  • 2024 Hong Kong Mathematics Kangaroo Contest organized by the Association Kangourou Sans Frontières (AKSF) and Magic Square Association
    Grade 9
    Third Prize : Wong Hoi Ching Clare

    Grade 10
    First Prize : Li Ruyi
    Second Prize : Liu Zuri Jade

    Grade 11
    Second Prize : Jiang Yolanda Pak Yin
    Third Prize : Liu Tsz Yu

  • The 41st Hong Kong Mathematics Olympiad (HKMO) organized by the EDB
    Li Ruyi

    Jiang Yolanda Pak Yin
    Li Sze Wing Jennifer
    Xiao Jiaqi

  • The 10th Annual International Mathematical Modeling Challenge - The Regional Contest of Greater China organized by COMAP

    Mai Polly
    Cheung Hoi Yin Ariel
    Ho Tsz Yan Antonia
    Leung Hoi Shun

    Ching Helen
    Li Ruyi
    Jiang Yolanda Pak Yin

    Chan Sze Wing
    Gu Sirui Grace
    Luk Cheuk Yiu Sylvia
    Xiao Jiaqi

  • The 10th Annual International Mathematical Modeling Challenge - The International Contest of Greater China organized by COMAP
    Honorable Mention

    Mai Polly
    Cheung Hoi Yin Ariel
    Ho Tsz Yan Antonia
    Leung Hoi Shun

    Chan Sze Wing
    Gu Sirui Grace
    Luk Cheuk Yiu Sylvia
    Xiao Jiaqi

    Ching Helen
    Li Ruyi
    Jiang Yolanda Pak Yin

  • Mathematics Project Competition for Secondary Schools (2023/24)
    Category B (S1 mini-project), Good Performance:
    Chan Hay Yee Jessy
    Lam Yu Yan
    Li Kexin
    So Tsz Yu Tiffany
    Wong Ching Laam
    Wong Hei Tung

  • Statistical Project Competition (SPC) for Secondary School Students organized by - Hong Kong Statistical Society (HKSS)
    First Prize for the Junior Section:
    Team comprising Ip Hei Yiu Greta, Lee Andrea Wing Hei, Tso Harmony Hing Ching, Chan Yuen Kay

    Second Prize for the Junior Section:
    Team comprising Wong Yan Kiu

    Distinguished Prize for the Senior Section:
    Team comprising Woo Yan Yan, Cheuk Nim Yan, Kwan Ming Wai, Xiao Jiaqi

    Prize for the Best Index Application for the Senior Section:
    Team comprising Cheung Loria Hei Yue, Fung Yun Ying Annie

  • High School Mathematical Contest in Modelling organized by COMAP
    Honorable Mention
    Li Yat Nok, Pan Yam Yi, Lam Ho Ke, Wong Hoi Ching

  • True Light Girls’ Invitational Mathematics Contest 2023 organized by True Light Middle School of Hong Kong
    Group Champion: Chien Yanoch, Zhang Xinyan, Li Ruyi, Liu Zuri Jade

Personal, Social and Humanities Education KLA

  • 「滙財師大比拼2024」短片創作大賽 --香港小童群益會 及匯豐銀行主辦
    Cheng Yuet Yee Ashlyn
    Choi Shin Chi Gabriella
    Chow Choi Ching Sophie
    Chu Tin Wing
    Nam Wing Kiu Aria

  • 第十六屆香港盃外交知識競賽 -- 外交部駐香港特別行政區特派員公署、香港特別行政區政府教育局、香港明天更好基金

  • Eco-Lifestyle Competition 2023 organized by Surein Foundation Limited
    Champion: Cheuk Nim Yan
    2nd Runner-Up: Tai Kiu Hei, Lam Hei Tung
    Merit Award: Tam Wai Chee, Wong Cheuk Kiu, Wong Hin Yi

  • UNITAR Youth Ambassador Asia Pacific Programme 2023 organized by United Nations Institute for Training and Research
    Lam Kam Yan Grace

  • 從心認識香港認識基本法2023 國家安全你要知‧認識《基本法》網上問答比賽 -東九龍青年社主辦

  • 全港中學中國歷史研習獎勵計劃(2022-2023年度) ── 國史教育中心主辦

  • 第十二屆校際香港歷史文化專題研習比賽(2022-2023年度) —— 香港歷史博物館及中華文化促進中心主辦
    季軍:區逸懿、 蔡卓蕎、譚蒨蔚、謝映曈

  • UNESCO Hong Kong Association Towards Net-Zero School Project

    Sustainable Development Student Ambassador of the UNESCO Hong Kong Association Towards Net Zero School Project

    Kwan Ming Wai, Lam Hayley, Law Wen Tung Kaitlyn, Li Ching Wan Krystle, Ng Hei Yin, Wan Shun Yan, Chan Ka Lam, Cheng Sum Kiu Anson, Ng Hiu Tung, Chong Tsz Yan, Lai Tsz Yan 

Science Education KLA

  • Sing Yin Physics Olympiad 2024 organised by Sing Yin Secondary School
    Helen Ching
    Leung Tsz Kiu Amanda

  • Camstart Incubator Programme’s Pitch Competition 2024 organised by Camstart
    1st Place
    Lam Ho Ching
    Chan Ying Ching

  • 中國高中生青年物理學家學術交流會 CYPT 2024 --教育部物理學育人模式改革虛擬教研室、南開大學物理科學學院主辦


  • Senior Physics Challenge China Marathon 2024 organized by Isaac Physics supported by the University of Cambridge
    Diamond Award
    Cheung Hoi Yin Ariel
    Leung Hoi Shun
    Leung Tsz Kiu Amanda
    Or Yu Sze
    Chan Tsz Nam
    Xiao Jiaqi

  • The HKLF Science Explorer Award 2023/24 organized by the Hong Kong Laureate Forum
    Gold Award
    Chien Yanoch
    Lam Lung
    Liu Tsz Yu
    Au Cheuk Yi

    Silver Award
    Chan Hoi Yin
    Chan Ching Yau
    Choi Shin Chi
    Chow Choi Ching Sophie
    Cheung Hui Yu
    Tam Wai Chee
    Law Yi Ting
    Cheung Wing Chi
    Ngai Ming Wei
    Ip Tsz Kiu
    Huang Zheng
    Yolanda Pak Yin
    Li Sze Wing Jennifer
    Wong Wing Yin Audrey
    Tse Cheuk Kiu
    Wong Cheuk Kiu

  • 「Forensic Hunter」香港學界鑑證比賽 2024 organized by TWGHs C.Y. Ma Memorial College
    Secondary School Division - Second Runner-up: team comprising Cheung Hui Yu, Kuk Man Dai Azaria, Lo How Ching Michelle, Lo Tsz Yau

  • CityU Science Patent Challenge 2023-24 organized by The City University of Hong Kong
    Silver award
    Oi Ki Angela Au
    Hei Man Chung
    Evelyn Wai Ning Tsang
    Tsz Nam Chan
    Nim Yan Cheuk

  • “Sustainability & Elements” of HKASME-60 for 60th Anniversary of HKASME
    Outstanding award: Chong Tsz Huen Nicole

  • Juvenile Horseshoe Crab Rearing Programme 2023-2024 organized by the Ocean Park Conservation Foundation Hong Kong
    Best presentation award: Shing Wai Yan, Lam Ching Wai, Lee Leticia June, Wong Ngo Ching Chloe, Ho Wai Shum Emma

  • International Physics Tournament 2024 – Hong Kong Final organised by the Hong Kong Academy for Gifted Education (HKAGE)
    2nd runner-up: Team comprising Li Xinjie, Or Yu Sze, Leung Tsz Kiu Amanda, Chui Cheuk Ying, Wong Ka Ying

  • British Physics Olympiad – Round 1 organized by University of Oxford and the Institute of Physics
    Top Gold: Jiang Yolanda Pak Yin
    Silver: Li Xinjie

  • International Junior Science Olympiad (IJSO) 2024 – Hong Kong Screening organised by Education Bureau (EDB), the Hong Kong Academy for Gifted Education (HKAGE), Hong Kong Association for Science and Mathematics Education (HKASME)
    Overall 3 rd runner-up

    First Class Honours:
    Ma Yihan Helena

    Second Class Honours:
    Chien Yanoch 
    Yiu Tung Toby 
    Yuen Yee Ting Hayley
    Cheung Hoi Yin Ariel 
    Leung Hoi Shun

  • Hong Kong Young Physicists’ Tournament 2024 organized by Hong Kong Young Physicists’ Tournament Committee
    Gold medal: Team 1 comprising Leung Tsz Kiu Amanda, Or Yu Sze, Ng Tung Alice, Xiao Jiaqi
    Gold medal: Team 2 comprising Jiang Yolanda Pak Yin, But Wing Hei, Li Xinjie, Ching Helen 

  • Hong Kong Biology Literacy Award (2023/2024) organized by the Hong Kong Association for Science and Mathematics Education, Royal Society of Biology- HK Branch, The Education University of Hong Kong and The University of Hong Kong
    Best School Awards
    Active Participation
    Liu Tsz Yu, Huang Zheng, Au Cheuk Yi

    Chu Lok Yi

    Third Class Honours
    Wong Wing Yin Audrey, Wong Tze Ching Andrea 

    First Class Honours
    So Chun Kiu, Wong Hin Lam

  • Inter-House Science Quiz Competition
    Champion: Hurrell House
    Chan Tsing Yi Vanessa, Ma Hoi Tung, Ma Yihan Helena 

    1st Runner up: Skipton House
    Chan Yee Sum Gwyneth, Chow Choi Ching Sophie, Tam Yee Ching Jocelyn 

    2nd Runner up: Gibbins House
    Ma Wing Tai Lavinia, Chu Tin Wing, Leung Hoi Shun 

  • Junior Secondary Science Online Self-learning Scheme 2023 organized by Education Bureau
    Outstanding Award (Honorable Mention) : Chu Tin Wing , Lee Hoi Ki 

Technology Education KLA

  • AI x HK OpenCup 2024 organized by the Hong Kong Baptist University
    1st Runner Up & Merit Award for Sustainable Development: team comprising Lam Ho Ching, Chan Ying Ching, and Ngai Ming Wei.

  • Filmit 2024 organized by the NET Section, Curriculum Development Institute, Education Bureau and the European Union Office to Hong Kong and Macao

    Outstanding Fiction Film – First Prize: team comprising Wong Yuet Sang Megan, Siswojo Tayla Lee, Wong Yat Ching Christo, Lui Yui Ching Karis, Tan Man Huen Belle, Yan Ellie, Tang Kai Ting

    Outstanding Documentary Film: team comprising Luo Xinling Anky, Wu Xiangying, Zheng Ziling Linnie

    Outstanding One-Minute Film – Second Prize
    : team comprising Chan Alina, Chan Tsing Yi Vanessa, Chung Hei Kiu Osanna, Ko Hiu Lam, Mak Shan Ga, Li Pui Wai Evelyn

    Popular Vote Award (One-Minute Film)
    : team comprising Chan Alina, Chan Tsing Yi Vanessa, Chung Hei Kiu Osanna, Ko Hiu Lam, Mak Shan Ga, Li Pui Wai Evelyn

    Outstanding Actor Award
    : Siswojo Tayla Lee

  • Hong Kong Science Fair organized by the Hong Kong Innovation Foundation
    Senior Secondary Category
    Merit Award: team comprising Lam Ho Ching and Chan Ying Ching

  • 美好香港印象:AI與香港文化的融合之旅AI生成繪圖設計比賽:香港教育裝備協會及香港教育大學校友會
    公開組亞軍: 文雅漩
    公開組季軍: 夏心悅
    公開組銀獎: 黎曉澄, 張言冰, 王馨宇, 曾慧寧, 黃嘉瑩, 王溯游, 蕭嘉頤, 符綺晴

  • International Coding Elite Challenge 2023-24 organized by the ICE Foundation
    HK-MO-TW Grand Final Kowloon West District (Secondary Division) 2nd Runner-up: Ching Helen
    Outstanding Coder: Wang Cindy Hing Yu, Ching Helen, Tam Sing Wai

  • STEM+E Competition 2024 organized by STEM+E Consortium
    School of Most Valuable Player (MVP) Award
    Most Valuable Player (MVP) Award: Tsang Chin Tung, Lam Isis, Leung Chung Man Jasmine

  • JPC Innovation and Technology Competition 2023-24 organized by Junior Police Call
    Senior Secondary School Category
    Champion: team comprising of So Hei Tung, Au Cheuk Yi, Lau Yan Yu, Chan Hoi Chi Gaile
    Best Safe City Award (Road Safety) and Best Presentation Award: team comprising of Lam Ho Ching, Chan Ying Ching

  • 第26屆香港青少年科技創新大賽
    優異獎:歐卓怡, 劉茵瑜, 陳凱慈

  • Samsung Solve for Tomorrow 2023 organized by Samsung
    Secondary School Category
    Merit Award: team comprising of Wong Hoi Tung, Yiu Tung Toby, Yuen Yee Ting Hayley

  • Hong Kong Secondary Schools Software Development Invitational Contest 2023/24 organized by the China Computer Federation, and the Hong Kong Association for Computer Education
    Gold Medal: Ching Helen 
    Silver Medal: Lam Elizabeth 

  • Hong Kong Olympiad in Informatics 2024 organized by the Education Bureau and the Hong Kong
    Association for Computer Education
    Silver Medal (Junior): Ching Helen 
    Bronze Medal (Senior): Lam Elizabeth 
    Honorable Mention (Senior): Ip Wing Chun

  • 大灣區青少年人工智能及網絡安全挑戰賽 --香港警務處網絡安全及科技罪案調查科主辦
    全場總季軍: 林浩澄, 陳映澄

  • AI x HK OpenCup 2023 organized by the Baptist University of Hong Kong
    Finalist: team comprising Carolyn Fang, Lam Pui Wing, Hayley Yuen, Valerie Cheung, Zoe Lau

 Arts Education KLA

  • 2023 Autumn Drawing Competition organized by Hong Kong Children Arts Culture Development Association
    1st Runner-up: Lo Ka Kiu

  • 青年藝術節2023 全港青少年書法比賽 - 馬鞍山青年協會主辦
    書法比賽中學高級組 優異獎 : 李倚彤

  • 金紫荊盃青少年書法大賽 - 國學中心、藝術香港、金紫荊藝術研究會、香港書 法協會主辦
    特等獎: 劉恩彤
    二等獎: 李倚彤

  • 第二十七屆全國中小學生繪畫書法攝影作品(香港賽區)比賽- 香港青年聯席會議舉辦
    繪畫類二等獎: 黃榆婷
    書法類三等獎 : 李倚彤

  • Annual Photography Contest 2023 organized by Superior Culture
    Silver Award in Junior Secondary School Section: Matthias Natalie Sophia

  • 第七屆香港青少年書法大獎賽 - 中國書法家協會、香港大公文匯傳媒集團舉辦
    毛筆組優異獎: 辜思睿 

  • 第十五屆品德教育漫畫創作比賽 - 南聯教育基金舉辦
    初中組冠軍: 曾慧寧


Prizes and Awards (2022-2023)