The second pillar is sensitivity towards beauty, thus encompassing music making and art appreciation for aesthetic enjoyment. Girls at DGS develop a keen sense of appreciation of the finer aspects of life through exposure to the arts through Music, Visual Arts and Aesthetic Development courses. There is a plethora of musical groups, choirs and instrumental classes to choose from, and ample opportunity for girls to share and shine on stage, whether in music or in drama.
The third pillar is stamina for sports. In addition to Physical Education lessons, there are currently 21 sports and sports-related clubs and teams on offer, ranging from archery to indoor rowing; from hockey to fencing. Girls become cognizant of the importance of sports as a vital component of a healthy lifestyle, and acquire discipline, stamina, teamwork and sportsmanship as they strive for excellence in their chosen discipline. Many girls represent teams in local and international competitions such as the Olympic Games and the Asian Games.
The fourth pillar is generosity in service, through which girls develop a sense of understanding and concern for the world, and their place in it, through active engagement with the greater community. The school’s motto “Daily Giving Service” sums up nicely the DGS spirit. Though they may be young, girls learn more about themselves through helping others, and become empowered by the realization that they can do much good to the world. The school actively takes part in many service projects throughout the year.
The fifth and final pillar, the overarching central column that underpins and steers our activities in the above four areas, is spiritual nurturing that can be condensed into honouring God and people. Guided by Christian tenets and practices shared during morning assemblies, RK lessons and gospel camps, girls are brought into a closer relationship with God. It is our belief that through the wisdom of God’s words, girls will see the light and truth of His presence and conduct life in a way that is clear, productive and ultimately satisfying.
It is my hope that you will have gained a better understanding of the DGS education, and how its 5 pillars help our girls realize their potentials to become empathetic, caring women of excellence. I trust that you will find the experience of browsing this website enlightening and useful. Should you require further information, please feel free to contact me. My door is always open.
Mrs Stella Lau, SBS, JP