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28 May 2020 -- Fight the Virus 30s Video Competition

Over the past two months, classes in school have been suspended due to the coronavirus outbreak. In light of this, members of the Media Production Team participated in the "Fight the Virus 30s Video Competition" held by ROUGH, a registered charitable institution, hoping to make good use of time and creativity as well as to spread positivity and care to the community. DGS is happy to announce that our girls have won prizes in both the junior and senior secondary sections. 

Junior Secondary:
Mani Wong 2X - First https://youtu.be/C8LlqXRWTho
Sincere Leung 1X - Second, most positive (最正能量獎) https://youtu.be/lDrTzfMR9A8
Cherise Kwok 1U - Most creative (最佳創意獎) https://youtu.be/SjPS-iyT38Q

Senior Secondary:
Grace Wong 4X - Second https://youtu.be/EzzM_hIluTM 
Selina Kwok 5U - Most positive https://youtu.be/Eb8vpNiMv6U

Stay positive, stay safe!