Giving Opportunities
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Facility Gifts
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Celebration Gifts
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Class Gifts
Special Funds
Dear Parents, Alumni, and Friends of DGS,

You are invited to make a Celebration Gift that will leave a lasting legacy for the current and future generations of DGS girls.
The Celebration Wall will mark the 150th anniversary of our School. It will be an important landmark at DGS and will honour all those who made substantial donations toward the realization of our Re-development Programme and helped to give our School new improved facilities and an enriched curriculum.

You are invited to make a "Celebration Gift" at any one of the following levels:

Gold - HK$500,000
Silver - HK$400,000
Bronze - HK$300,000

To express our sincere gratitude to you, your gift will be acknowledged on the Celebration Wall, and also in School publications and other publicity materials as appropriate.

For more information, please contact:
School Development Office
Tel: (852) 2277 9165
Fax: (852) 2780 7119

Please note that acceptance and recognition of gifts are subject to the endorsement of the School Council.

Fundraising Campaign Committee